

Technical sciences

System analysis, management and information processing

R.N. ABUTALIPOV, A.U. ZAMMOEV Progress and prospects of bionanorobotics at present stage of development of science and technology. Necessity and opportunity of modernization of bionanorobotics for molecular biomanufacturing………………………………………………………………………………………….7

M.I. ANCHEKOV Applying reinforced learning for solving the problem of structuring the external environment………………………………………………………14

I.A. GURTUEVA Modern problems of automatic speech recognition………………………………………………………………………………………………………20

A.U. ZAMMOEV, R.N. ABUTALIPOV Search for methods and study of the possibilities of using modern technologies of virtual prototyping and design of bioengineering systems in the design of bionanodevices and systems of bionanorobotics……………………………………………………………………………..34

E.V. KULIEV, M.P. KRIVENKO, V.A. DENISENKO, Y.Kh. KHAMUKOV Intellectual model of knowledge management in the conditions of the heterogeneity of information space…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….….43

Z.V. NAGOEV, K.Ch. BZHIKHATLOV, O.V. NAGOEVA, Z.A. SUNDUKOV, S.A. KANKULOV Autonomous formation of a user model based on digital footprint data in the internet space based on training multi-agent neurocognitive architectures………………………………………………………………………………….52

Z.V. NAGOEV, K.Ch. BZHIKHATLOV, I.A. PSHENOKOVA, O.V. NAGOEVA, B.A. ATALIKOV, N.A. CHECHENOVA, D.A. MALYSHEV Autonomous formation of spatial ontologies in the intelligent decision-making system of a mobile agricultural robot based on the self-organization of multi-agent neurocognitive architectures……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……………………..68

I.A. PSHENOKOVA, Z.A. SUNDUKOV Development of a simulation model for predicting the behavior of an intelligent agent based on an invariant of a recursive multi-agent neurocognitive architecture……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………80

Computer science. Computer equipment. Management

M.I. ANCHEKOV, Z.I. BOGOTOVA Artificial intelligence techniques in breeding……………………………………………………………………………………..….91

Agricultural sciences

Plant growing

А.Kh. ABAZOV, Кh.K. ABIDOV, G.Kh. ABIDOVA, R.A. GAZHEVA Creation of potato early ripe groups varieties in the conditions of the South of Russia…….97

Kh. K. ABIDOV, A.Kh. ABAZOV, R.R. BUGOV, M.M. KHURANOV, Z.Kh. MARGUSHEVA Building fungicidal protection of potato with minimum impact on the photosynthetic apparatus of culture…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..103

S.P. APPAEV, A.M. KAGERMAZOV, A.V. KHACHIDOGOV, M.R. GONIKOVA, E.B. KHATEFOV Evaluation of new waxy corn hybrids by economically valuable characteristics…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..113

R.V. BIZHOEV, A.I. SARBASHEVA, R.A. GAZHEVA Methods of integrated use of means of chemistry and biological resources in agrotechnology on ordinary chernozem carbonate soil of Central Ciscaucasia………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….121

T.P. BIZHOEVA, R.V. BIZHOEV, A.I. SARBASHEVA, A.Z. KUSHKHABIEV Formation of the harvest of agricultural crops of grain-herbal and grain-massed crop rotations under different conditions of water supply and mineral nutrition in the steppe zone of the Central Ciscaucasia…………………………………………133

O.Z. ZAGAZEZHEVA, M.I. HADZHIEVA Prospects for reducing the environmental burden of agricultural production based on mass robotization……………145

K.F. KRAI, M.I. KHADZHIEVA Cost-effectiveness of the introduction of innovative technologies in agriculture in the era of end-to-end digitalization…………155

Kh.A. MALKANDUEV, A.Kh. MALKANDUEVA, R.I. SHAMURZAEV The influence of sowing methods on over-wintering and yield of winter soft wheat……..165

A.Kh. MALKANDUEVA, R.I. SHAMURZAEV, Kh.A. MALKANDUEV Overwintering and yield of winter wheat depending on cultivation methods in conditions of vertical zonality of KBR…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……………173

S.Kh. SHALOVA, O.Z. ZAGAZEZHEVA Ambient intelligence for agricultural production in conditions of digital transformation…………….…………………….181

Cattle breeding

V.M. GUKEZHEV, M.S. GABAEV, Zh.Kh. ZHASHUEV Efficiency of breeding red steppe cattle in the south of Russia, its definitive factors…..………………190

M.A. KANOKOVA The influence of modern automation and robotization systems on reducing the use of antibiotics for preventive purposes in raising livestock and poultry………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……………………………201

Historical sciences

A.Kh. ABAZOV The governor’s reports as a source for studying the political, legal and socio-economic aspects of the incorporation of the South Caucasus into the Russian empire in the mid-forties – the first half of sixties of XIX century………………………………………………………………………………………….210

T. Kh. ALOEV Becoming of the hajretian palladium: Margushei (“Margushevsky aul”) in 1804-1819……………………………………………………………….217

O.A. ZHANSITOV Russian revolution and the advancement of the soviet political elite in Kabarda………………………………………………………………..224

I.A. TABAKSOEV The Balkar national movement in the process of state and political reconstruction of Kabardino-Balkaria in 1991-early 1992…………….232

Mathematical and instrumental methods of economics

R.V. GURFOVA, I.V. ASHINOVA, Kh.V. MASHUKOV, A.A. SHIRITOV A model of ontogenesis of regional education space……………………………………242

Economical sciences

Y.Kh. KHAMUKOV, M.A. KANOKOVA The phenomenon of “economic activity”. Essence. Purpose.……………………………………………………………….256

A.M. KHATUKHOV, F.Zh. BEROVA The basin principle of administrative-territorial division as an alternative to modern ethno-political zoning in the North Caucasus (on the example of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic)………………………………………………………………………………………………….…..264

Philological sciences

L.S. GERGOKOVA Karachay-Balkar fairy tales about animals: collection, publication, study………………………………………………………………………..282

F. Kh. GULIEVA (ZANUKOEVA) Karachay-Balkar proverbs and sayings about wisdom………………………………………………………………………..……289

L.B. KUCHMEZOVA Lexicographical analysis of Karachay-Balkar dialect words in lexical-systemic aspect………………………………………………………295

Zh.M. LOKYAEVA Features and functional role of good wishes (alg’ysh) (based on the material of Karachay-Balkar folklore)…………………………………302

L.Kh. MAKHIEVA Somatic vocabulary (on the material of dictionaries of the Karachay-Balkar language)…………………………………………………………312

Publishing regulations for the authors…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..326